In this dark comedy series, a hitman from Nevada, Miles Daly (Chris O'Dowd), tries to become a movie producer in Hollywood in order to leave his criminal past behind and win back his estranged family. In Hollywood, he meets Rick Moreweather (Ray Romano), a washed-up producer who reluctantly becomes Miles' partner and guides him through show business. Along with his criminal cohort Louis (Sean Bridgers), Miles tries to keep his two worlds from crashing as he balances the demands of filmmaking while keeping the suspicions of the crime ring's chief - and production bankroll - Amara (Lidia Porto) at bay. Also associated with the production is ambitious studio executive April Adams (Megan Stevenson), who started in the business as Rick's assistant, as well as Miles' daughter Emma (Carolyn Dodd), despite objections from Miles' wife, Katie (Lucy Walters).
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