
I-Tunes codes do not have a download. Simply copy the code under the title on the previous screen and paste it directly in your I-Tunes account.

DO NOT REDEEM in Movies Anywhere. Doing so will burn the full code, and you will be liable for the portion I can no longer sell. 

Simply having a Movies Anywhere account linked is good enough. Your movies will port from I-Tunes to Vudu without the need to redeem there. 

You are entitled to 1 redemption only. Please only redeem the portion paid for. If you purchase the I-Tunes and redeem the UV, you will be required to pay for the UV portion as well. 

Purchasing movies that are labelled "(IT)", "(I-Tunes)" or "(I-Tunes 4k)" may upgrade to 4k only in I-Tunes and on designated Apple devices. This in no way guarantees the purchased title redeems in 4k on all or non-designated devices. If the title is listed as "4K", it is done so at the best of my knowledge and should upgrade as long as the previous conditions are applied. I cannot guarantee this will always be the case.