Two years after the life-altering events in Grease (1978), Sandy's cousin Michael, a straight-laced English student, is the new guy at Rydell High. Stephanie, the Pink Ladies' foxy blonde leader, is about to break up with Johnny, the T-Birds' leader, but she still likes her men dangerous, even as Michael starts to attract her attention. Now Michael needs to up his game: learn how to ride a motorcycle and transform himself into Stephanie's hot leather-clad fantasy. Is he up to the task?
Redeems at Paramount Choose VUDU or iTunes (RATED PG)
Director: Patricia Birch
Writers: Ken Finkleman, Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey
Cast: Maxwell Caulfield, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lorna Luft, Maureen Teefy, Alison Price, Pamela Adlon, Adrian Zmed, Peter Frechette, Christopher McDonald, Leif Green, Didi Conn, Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, Dody Goodman, Tab Hunter, Dick Patterson, Connie Stevens, Eddie Deezen, Matt Lattanzi, Jean Sagal